Ramblings and Musings

Blogger Recognition Award!!!

Saturday, August 13th

Thank you so so much Aki from The Learnify! (she is awesome, visit her!). We are so excited to be nominated since this is our first blogging award!

The Rules:

1: Write a post to show your award.

2: Thank the person that nominated you.

3: Briefly describe your journey as a blogger.

4: Give advice to other bloggers.

5: Nominate the deserving ones.

Our Journey…

The blog started out as an assignment by our English teacher, Mr. Angel. Thanks Mr. Angel for the opportunity handed to us in disguise. We started out as separate blogs from 2015-2016 and continued working separately until the end of the school year. After the project was done we decided to continue blogging but in the same blog. So after all the stressed-out days(cue music) where the blog was an assignment, blogging became a pastime that became addictive (and an alternative to YouTube!)

Some Tips 😀

Just write and keep on posting :D. Find something that you have been inspired about lately or something you are really passionate about. Have FUN and SMILE!!! 😀 If you are really uninspired, try doing the Daily Post.

Read other people’s blogs because there are so many awesome bloggers out there!!! Have some blogging buddies where you can support each other 😀

Nominate the Deserving Ones

All bloggers are deserving! I love you guys so much! (There is a huge list so I will comment on your blogs :D)

Hugs to all,

The Living Me

18 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award!!!

  1. I love the excitement and love for blogging that’s apparent throughout your post. I hope you continue to have fun and enjoy making your home here in your corner of the blog-o-sphere 🙂 Thanks for the nomination as well!

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