
BTS: Why School is Awesome…


First off… I am so so soooooooo extremely sorry for being inactive recently (like anyone would notice…) but ya know… school got into the way.

I can probably rant about 101 reasons why school is TERRIBLE but let’s be a little optimistic today 😀

Image result for back to school gif

  1. FRIENDS  My friends are an entire different story that’s kind of depressing to talk about… but maybe another time in a post. Who can’t live without friends? So much giggling and gossiping and talking and eating and making fun of people…. you can never get sick of that! It’s nice to talk to someone that’s not your mom all the time…hehehehe your friends should be awesome or else they aren’t really your friends.

Image result for friends quote2. BTS SHOPPING:    There’s probably a whole gang of people that DESPISE BTS shopping but for me…. it’s EXCITING!!! I sound like a little kid but getting new pens and pencils and planners and binders and notebooks…. gaspppp …. it’s amazing

3.    LEARNING STUFF:    And there’s that whole education thing and how we are so privileged to have such good education and how lucky we are and blah blah blah…. it’s all true but you should actually be happy and excited about learning stuff. People shouldn’t have to tell you and remind you that education is fun. I mean being smart is fun going to a nice college is fun having a good job is fun (I know.. there is more to life than that and all that shit haters gotta hate) but learning stuff if fun for me at least.

4.   HOMEWORK     Let me get this straight, I hate homework…. but I’m also working on the positivity thing too…. Doing homework reminds me that I’m actually doing something with my life and I’m not spending hours on YouTube scrolling through useless videos.

Image result for school gif
reality though…

So these are 4 reasons why school isn’t as bad as it sounds…. What’s the best part about school for you??? And also… I know that there’s like a billion grammar errors but….. ain’t nobody got time for that 😀



33 thoughts on “BTS: Why School is Awesome…

  1. Omg I agree with you so much!! There’re always reasons to like school!! XD I kind of deny it all the time but I actually like school a lot: seeing my friends, learning, bts shopping which I love!!! ❤ ❤ I couldn't agree more with this post!! XD
    Btw I missed you!! XD

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this post!
    I always had a dream of owning the most amazing stationary shop, where whenever I wanted something I could just use anything. 😍😍
    I love homework, but just related to research over something interesting, like aliens you know, like a project file on the lost city of Atlanta.

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  3. I really agree. 🙂
    *When you said BTS shopping, instead of thinking about back to school, I thought about my favourite K-pop group (wich is called BTS). My life is ruined. TnT*

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  4. Way to work to see the positives! It’s easy to get overwhelmed thinking about all the negatives in life. When I was in secondary school (mid/high), I hated homework too. In fact, I’ll admit there were many times I didn’t do it, or I rushed through it in the morning before classes started. One thing I did learn was that I had a MUCH easier time getting the big stuff (like papers and projects) done if I at least did something I was actually somewhat interested in. I’m finding the same to be true for college. It’s much easier to tackle when you get a bit of enjoyment out of it.
    In your pursuit to remain positive, you might try something I did in my senior year of high school that brought me out of a really deep dark slump. One day, I just started jotting down in a notebook anything I could think of that I liked, loved, or enjoyed. It didn’t have to be anything big, or even related to school. There were seemingly silly things like “lemon Starbursts” and “the color orange!”, and I would throw in quotes or thoughts that made me laugh or smile. It didn’t take long to fill in several pages. Whenever I started feeling down again, I’d whip out that notebook, read over some of the previous pages for inspiration, and start thinking of stuff to add.
    Good luck this year! Keep that positivity flowing and you’ll do great!!!

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    1. AWWWWWWW thanks so much for the tips and such a thoughtful comments💟💟💟 You know how some people have like an kickass study routine that’s effective and organized for them? Or how people start to become super passionate about a certain topic or major….. I think that you found that click in your life that made it 100times better 😁😁😁 I will definitely try that out too…. I can just imagine myself writing some super random things down and just laughing to myself at the randomness of it…. And then my mom glaring at me 😂😂😁😁.

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    1. Awwww thanks for asking that’s soooooo sweeeeet. Highschool has started and ya know, grades are important and all that jazz. And weekends include extracurriculars and homework and volunteering….. I just need to sort out my time and get into my groove 😁 any tips for highschool? What clubs did you join? Luv ya 💟💟

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      1. Ya dear I can understand,its great that u r making time for blogging in you too dear,I am nt of ur age dr,im in late 20’s.I have worked as a teacher so I can guide ,are you from India?

        Liked by 1 person

  5. HI there , i wanted to thank you on you about page but there was no space for comments who know maybe that was me 🙂 ok moving forward I have to say you do not babble… if you do not mind a little blogging advice and I am not an expert but in writing either 🙂 but when u say you babble or say you go on ( I know sometimes it is cute) but I want to say not to say that that much because I feel you do not babble. So that is a compliment I hope you take it that way… ok know I need to say so much for me to go on. 🙂 blessings 🙂 donna marie

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    1. I’m so sorry for the late reply but thank you for telling me this. It’s always so sweet that you would take time to tell me that I don’t babble and I really really realllllyyyy appreciate it 💟💟😁😁😁

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  6. My favourite about BTS is STATIONERY AND SHOPPING. I waste so much on such cute stuff! I love going to stores and buying every cute notepad, pen or pencil i see! Homeworks help me feel like I’ve accomplished something, so I guess they’re ‘good’.And friends are just amazing!!

    Thanks for following My Bookish Life ❤

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    1. I’m so sorry for this deathly late reply. It feels nice to be really productive. I love watching study videos on YT or go through studyblrs (tumblr) cause it really gets me motivated to study and make nice study stuff 🙂

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